- **adjacent** (adjective) ^adjacent used to say "this thing is like this other thing, but not quite," but sometimes it is also "this this is the same as this other thing but i'm being [[#^illegibility|illegible]]" e.g. [[#^rat]]-adjacent - **Alexander Technique**, **AT** (noun) ^alexander-technique popularized within [[#^tpot]] by [Michael Ashcroft](https://twitter.com/m_ashcroft), AT is a hard-to-pin-down method invented by Frederick Alexander that is often described as about posture, but according to Michael it's really not about posture, it's about [[#^non-do|non-doing]] - **Ashcroft Method**, **AM** (noun) ^ashcroft-method the [[#^alexander-technique]], specifically as popularized within [[#^tpot]] by [Michael Ashcroft](https://twitter.com/m_ashcroft), with a pedagogical focus on inner experience and [[#^non-do|non-doing]] (compared to the more stereotypical emphasis on posture) - **bouncy number** (noun) ^bouncy-number a way of thinking about complex numbers i made [a Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/prerationalist/status/1440442305710723072) about them - **ccccccrjkungivnbivnkjlivvkulbkithbvgkccguuvr** (???) ^ccccccrjkungivnbivnkjlivvkulbkithbvgkccguuvr an emergent [[#^ingroup]] neologism. you can [search twitter for this word](https://twitter.com/search?q=ccccccrjkungivnbivnkjlivvkulbkithbvgkccguuvr), and the accounts using it are probably ingroup - **decouple** (verb) ^decouple to consider an idea while ignoring its context. e.g. trying to evaluate whether a toothbrush moustache looks good, *ignoring* the obvious historical associations - **degreeble** (verb) ^degreeble the act of removing [greebles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeble) (possibly metaphorically) history: one day, [@cheascake](https://twitter.com/cheascake) started degreebling a bunch of [[#^ingroup|ingroupers]] also: degreebled, degreebling - **egregome** (noun) ^egregome like your gut microbiome, but for [[#^egregore]]s history: introduced casually mid-tweet by [@eigenrobot](https://twitter.com/eigenrobot) - **egregore** (noun) ^egregore a "being" (metaphorical or not depending on how occult the speaker is feeling) that exists inside the minds of a group of people examples: [Moloch](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/), [Bitcoin](https://twitter.com/pee_zombie/status/1402112415328870401) - **extraordinary** (adjective) ^extraordinary something that [@eigenrobot](https://twitter.com/eigenrobot) says, for [[#^illegibility|illegible]] reasons - **FAN**, **Friendly Ambitious Nerd** (noun) ^fan a reference to [@visakanv](https://twitter.com/visakanv)'s friends and also the name of his [first ebook](https://gum.co/friendlynerdbook) - **ghost rat** (noun) ^ghost-rat like a [[#^postrat|post rat]] but into magick/occult/[[#^woo]] - **global wayfinding** (verb) ^global-wayfinding a meditation technique described by Mark Lippmann at <https://meditationbook.page> - **illegibility** (noun) ^illegibility i'm not gonna tell u what it means - **infohazard** (noun) ^infohazard an information hazard; coined by Nick Bostrom in his [2011 paper on infohazards](https://www.nickbostrom.com/information-hazards.pdf) however, note that on twitter, [@chaosprime claims prior art in 1995](https://twitter.com/chaosprime/status/1470960614071808002) - **ingroup** (noun) ^ingroup a reference to the sociological term [in-group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In-group_and_out-group) on twitter at the end of 2020ish, [[#^postrat]]-[[#^adjacent]] accounts were often saying things like "my ingroup thinks X" or "people in my ingroup are like Y" and eventually people just started calling it "ingroup" also overlaps and/or is the same as [[#^tpot]] - **nobupoasting** (verb) ^nobupost [[#^poast]]ing like [nobu](https://twitter.com/nobu_hibiki) > step 1: express vulnerability > step 2: generate endless insight > step 3: ...??? > result: get befriended by many > —[jaticarta](https://twitter.com/jaticarta/status/1551612309612548096) on nobupoasting - **non-do**, **non-doing** (verb) ^non-do a loose translation of [wu-wei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu_wei), popularized by [Michael Ashcroft](https://twitter.com/m_ashcroft) for teaching [[#^alexander-technique|Alexander Technique]] - **poast** (verb) ^poast same thing as post (usually on Twitter), but spelled funny - **postrat** (noun) ^postrat a [[#^rat|rat]] that [[#^poast|posts]]. [simple as](https://twitter.com/QiaochuYuan/status/1331429933332058117). also: post-rat, post rat - **prerat** (noun) ^prerat me! the maintainer of this glossary! [@prerationalist](https://twitter.com/prerationalist) on Twitter! a prerat is sorta like a [[#^rat]] and a [[#^postrat]] at the same time. one interpretation of pre-rat is "aspiring rationalist." another interpretation is it's just a wordplay I made up when I saw people talking about postrats & it stuck. this site is [[Index|my Obsidian notes]] - **rat**, **rationalist** (noun) ^rat someone who is interested in [LessWrong](https://lesswrong.com)-style rationality - **self-coercion** (noun) ^self-coercion a possibly badly-named concept about "making yourself do things" - **shitpost** (verb) ^shitpost basically the same as [[#^poast]], or you could perhaps say poast-[[#^adjacent]] - **tcot** (noun) ^tcot stands for **t**his **c**orner **o**f **t**witter history: i think the first usage of tcot as an acronym for "this corner of twitter" was [this tweet by @magicianbrain](https://twitter.com/magicianbrain/status/1363932897527406592). however, about ten years prior, tcot was a hashtag for **t**op **c**onservatives **o**n **t**witter. to disambiguate, most have switched to saying [[#^tpot]] (**t**his **p**art **o**f **t**witter) - **tpot** (noun) ^tpot stands for **t**his **p**art **o**f **t**witter; pronounced like "teapot" history: this was deliberately coined to refer to what was previously semi-organically referred to as "[[#^postrat]] twitter," "[[#^ingroup]] twitter," or "[[#^tcot]]" - **vibe** (verb) ^vibe communicating inexplicitly, not necessarily to promote [[#^illegibility]], but possibly because that-which-you're-trying-to-communicate doesn't have a clean explicit representation (at least that you know of) - **woo** (?) ^woo like "woo-woo," magick, occult - **yak shaving** (verb) ^yak-shaving when you need to do A, before that you need to do B, but before that you need to do C, and before you know it you need to do something extremely far removed Y (e.g. shave a yak)